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Dear Friends, Members and Supporters,

With Ontario's spring provincial election now behind us, almost no one is interested in talking about Ontario politics, policies, platforms, or politicians --- myself included. What does remain of interest is how the future will fare for the average Ontarian now forced to live under the policies of the majority Liberal rule over the next four years. After all, for those looking for a change in Queen's Park, voting will not be on the agenda in Ontario until 2018.

So, without an election on the immediate horizon, what are those seeking better governance in Ontario to do in the meantime? - Just sit and wait? No, of course not. We've already seen the consequence of that approach.
Fortunately, democracy is not just about elections; it is an on-going process that involves every one of us who chooses, as a free citizen in a liberal democracy, to get involved. Or not. Politics is personal --- and this is the time to take a personal approach to a very public concern.

We can begin by taking a moment to reflect, and then look forward - from a personal, rather than a political, perspective. That's the theme of Freedom Party's next official dinner event which I hope that you will all be able to attend: POLITICS IS PERSONAL - SPEAKING STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART.

More a 'family get-together' than a political outing, this next step on our journey in the right direction is an opportunity to hear from a few key members of our growing 'family of freedom' - Salim Mansur, Al Gretzky, Paul McKeever, (plus myself, and perhaps even one or two others). It's difficult to predict just exactly what will happen when the focus of discussion becomes less 'political,' and more personal --- or as they say, straight from the heart. But you can bet that it will be a heart-felt and enjoyable experience.

YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to join us for dinner and personal conversation on:

6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
(Doors open at 6 pm)

Best Western Plus Lamplighter Inn - Chelsea Ballroom (road map/directions)
591 Wellington Road, LONDON ONT, N6C 4R3

RESERVATIONS ONLY: $100 per person *

IMPORTANT: All dinner reservations must be purchased before Saturday, November 15th, 2014.
Dinner reservations will not be sold on the day of the dinner, Saturday, November 15th, 2014.

* 50% tax creditable! Your net cost as low as $62.50

Master of ceremonies Robert Vaughan will once again kick off the dinner event with Freedom Party's traditional toast to freedom. After a great dinner, you'll be treated to a great evening of hearing some of Freedom Party's best known personalities share their personal thoughts and observations on where we've been, where we're headed - and why they, as individuals, have chosen to take part in our journey towards the right direction.

I am also looking forward to meeting many of you who may have only recently discovered Freedom Party, especially in and around the London area where the FPO's Election'14 campaigns and/or candidates have drawn an unprecedented amount of attention to our efforts for the first time.

Like many others, you have discovered a political party that is truly a party of principle, and which now has a thirty-year record of action (all available at the click of an on-line button) to demonstrate that this is indeed the case.

In 1986, Freedom Party released an issue paper titled 'POLITICS IS PERSONAL' (view online in FPO's archive, by clicking here). It reads as true today as when it was originally released and distributed. Most importantly, when in 1986 the statement was but an intention and a commitment, we can now also add, in 2014, that it is a matter of demonstrable record: "Every Freedom Party policy is consistent, integrated, and based on principle - the principle of individual freedom."

We knew then what we still know to be true today. The individual is the basic constituent of any free society. It is not the collective, nor the group with the greatest number. It is you. That's why politics is personal.

Make Saturday, November 15 your evening to hear our featured speakers, Salim Mansur, Al Gretzky, and Paul McKeever speak from the personal side of things. Share in an event with like-minded people who value and appreciate the freedom that so many have mistakenly come to take for granted.

TIME IS LIMITED. Reserve today!
Let's get personal - and get together on November 15!
See you there!

Yours in freedom,
Robert Metz

President, CFO,
Freedom Party of Ontario
e-mail: rmetz@freedomparty.on.ca

P.S. Remember, all contributions to Freedom Party are tax-creditable! Dinner reservations are partially tax-creditable!

NOTE: Guests are always welcome; if you know of someone else who might be interested in attending our November 15 dinner event, feel free to pass on your personal invitation. No one's a stranger. It's a sit-down dinner with personalized name tags prepared in advance for all dinner attendees.

Broad dinner menu options (Chicken, Beef, Vegetarian) can be personally selected upon confirmation of your reservation.


(1) As an officially-registered Ontario political party, Freedom Party is financially audited annually and regulated through the authority of Elections Ontario. As such, Freedom Party operates similar to a 'non-profit' association in that it is exempt from paying federal or provincial income taxes on contributions and other sources of revenue.

(2) Freedom Party has no debts as a result of a strict practice to limit spending to current means.
This assures contributors can count on their money being invested in current and future endeavours, not for past ones. Of course, this also limits what the Freedom Party may effectively accomplish during any given campaign period - the limit being the degree of financial resources offered by members and supporters.

(3) Unlike the parties currently in the legislature, Freedom Party receives no government funding or subsidies whatsoever; any potential tax benefits accrue only to contributors themselves and not to the party.
100% of Freedom Party's financial support comes from 100% voluntary contributions and donations.


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