Freedom Flyer Fall 2000 Cover

Freedom Flyer 34

the official newsletter of the
Freedom Party of Ontario

Fall 2000

Article electronically reproduced from:

Scene Magazine

December 16, 1999

Elijah Elieff Investment Limited v. Susan Eagle et al

THE EXCHANGE of the Affidavit of Documents between the parties in the $1.3-million Elieff lawsuit (Court File # 29642) against co-defendants Rev. Susan Eagle, the United Church of Canada, Neighbourhood Legal Services Inc. and the National Bank of Canada, has been completed and is set to proceed to the lengthy oral Examination for Discovery stage --- and then placed on the trial list. Mr. Elieff filed the civil suit on Sept. 16, 1998 and is represented by Anthony Steele of the London law firm Polishuk, Camman & Steele; Susan Eagle is represented by Alexander Pettingill of the Toronto-based law firm Cassels Brock & Blackwell; Neighbourhood Legal Services Inc. by Scott Richie of London law firm Siskind, Cromarty, Ivey & Dowler. Elijah Elieff is the former owner of two apartment buildings at 95 and 105 Cheyenne Ave. (now Oakville Ave.) in northeast London.

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