Freedom Flyer June 1998 Cover

Freedom Flyer 33

the official newsletter of the
Freedom Party of Ontario

June 1998


CANADA (April 7, 1998) - Community activist Jim McKee (see Freedom brief elsewhere in this issue) was among those who attracted the attention of Financial Post editor Diane Francis in an April 7 column focusing on Dialogue, a national Canadian magazine which is published in Quebec by political activist Maurice King and edited by Janet Hicks. (See reproduction of column elsewhere in this issue.)

Committed to freedom of expression, Dialogue regularly features letters and articles written by average Canadians, many of whom may be found associated with groups like the Alliance for the Preservation of English in Canada (APEC), the Reform Party, and of course, Freedom Party. (King, Hicks, and McKee have all attended meetings of the Montgomery Tavern Society in the past, where Fp president Robert Metz has had the pleasure of making their acquaintance.)

In its March 1998 issue, publisher King soundly condemned the pretense by which "politicians --- and those that support politically correct views --- use dissimulation as their communication objective."

Referring to the "Calgary declaration and the farce of provincial consultations that accompanied it," he concludes:

"The only way to have representatives who are committed to their electors, and not their party leader, is to work towards electoral reform that will bring about proportional representation. In the meantime, elect Independents or candidates of parties other than the four politically correct parties."

To which we say again: "Amen."

Anyone interested in subscribing to Dialogue ($24 per year, tax included, for 10-12 issues) can call 1-800-706-1819, or write: 2311 Rockburn Rd., Franklin Centre, Quebec, J0S 1E0.

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