Freedom Flyer June 1998 Cover

Freedom Flyer 33

the official newsletter of the
Freedom Party of Ontario

June 1998

Article electronically reproduced from:

The London Free Press

January 26, 1998

Teachers broke law with strike action

Shame on the teachers' unions for urging their members to grub around and claim the maximum $400 child subsidy for their recent illegal strike.

One must take exception to reporter Hank Daniszewski's use of the phrase "teachers challenge the law" in Teachers to test law, seek subsidy (Jan. 15) As with Bill 160, the teachers were not challenging the law, but rather breaking the law.

It is absolutely remarkable how lawlessness can be soft-pedalled. Let us not forget it was the teachers' unions that brought about and inflicted immeasurable harm on every school board in Ontario. It was their actions that brought the education of our children to a halt; to divide, mislead and upset communities.

How can union leaders direct their membership to partake in such an immoral action?


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