Freedom Flyer September 1986 Cover

Freedom Flyer 8

the official newsletter of the
Freedom Party of Ontario

September 1986

Article electronically reproduced from:

The Toronto Star

Article date unknown

Roll back your pay 4,500 tell aldermen

LONDON, Ont. (Special) - The largest petition ever circulated here will ask city council next Monday to roll back pay increases of more than 30 per cent for London aldermen and commissioners.

Bookstore owner Mark Emery says 200 volunteers circulated the protest from March 25 to April 20 and 4,500 residents signed the petition opposing the 32 per cent pay hike aldermen voted for themselves and the 43 per cent raises they granted city commisioners in March. The hike boosts an alderman's annual salary from $12,500 to $16,000.

"We're asking aldermen and commissioners to bring a motion to roll back the increases to 4 per cent or the cost of living," Emery said.

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