Freedom Flyer January - June 1985 Cover

Freedom Flyer 6

the official newsletter of the
Freedom Party of Ontario

January - June 1985

Below is a reproduction of Freedom Party's first election brochure (May 2, 1985 election).

When You Never Have A Choice,
Any Way You Look At It,
You Lose.

Now You Have One.



Freedom is having the right to choose and it is our freedom of choice that is at the heart of every political issue.

Politicians who restrict our freedom usually justify their actions with the claim that their imposed economic or social restrictions somehow serve the "public interest". Then, as members of "the public", we come to assume that we will gain by giving up some of our freedom as individuals. Unfortunately, this is not so.

Freedom-reducing measures justified by the "public interest" argument clearly favour the interests of one group of people over those of another group of people. Thus, for many, such measures not only restrict their freedom, but place them at a disadvantage with respect to those favoured or not affected by the restrictive measures.

The politicians who bestow a benefit on one group at the expense of another group expect, and often get, political support from the people who receive the benefit. At the same time, the punished groups seldom retaliate by withdrawing their support because they have been conditioned to believe that their "sacrifice" is "in the public interest". But as they all eventually discover, "the public interest" really means "in the governing politicians' interests."

All of Ontario's large political parties recommend and support policies that seriously restrict our choice of language, units of measurement, entertainment, products, services, employment, and a multitude of other things. The only difference between the parties is not whether freedom of choice should be limited, but whose freedoms are to be restricted for whose benefit.


As a new provincially-registered political party on the scene, Freedom Party doesn't have its political sights set on any pie-in-the-sky theories. We're a grass-roots movement with our goals planted firmly on the ground.

Because of that, we care less about your vote than we do about your active support. We're a full-time operation that believes in getting things done whether from a position of power (in the legislature) or from a position of influence through consistent community participation in local issues. That means after the election, as well as during it.

We don't just talk freedom of choice - we do something about it. And we've already got a track record to prove it. In less than a year, Freedom Party has already played a major role in affecting the issues that affect you.

Like helping the downtown London Eaton's employees fight against forced association and compulsory dues in a union ratification drive. Like helping a small downtown businessman with his campaign to fight against Londoners having to be taxed for the 1991 Pan-Am games. Like establishing our own Censorship Defence Fund for the sole purpose of fighting censorship and media regulation. Like representing the concerns of citizens who, more than ever before, are becoming aware that the right to their own property is no longer the highest priority of their governments. Like speaking out for freedom of choice in numerous debates, panel discussions, and in official briefs to government commissions.

YOU can help too!

Call us anytime. Consider us your permanent representatives of freedom of choice in your community. If you think your freedom of choice is threatened, or if you know of someone else who's in that position, we can help. Whether it's city hall, the provincial government, or even the federal government, we'll do what we can to help you fight those who use our freedom of choice as a political bargaining tool to further special or government interests.

Because our only interest lies in preserving the rights of the individual. It's the only interest that benefits us all.


Like it or not, choices always have to be made. But when it comes to politics, the issue is not whether a choice should be made, but rather, who gets to make that choice.

Freedom Party believes that the exercise of free choice belongs only to the individual --- and that it's the government's job to keep it that way.

Unfortunately though, our freedom of choice has become the politician's bargaining tool. After all, it's the only tool available to him. In fact, if you stop to think about it, being able to decide who will be allowed to make choices is exactly what political power is all about. With one school system, one health-care system, one postal service, one hydro system, one cable service, one public transit system, one Liquor Control Board, etc., Ontarians are already beginning to fel the consequences of having their freedom of choice denied in favour of government monopoly. And taxes. And controls.

Things are getting even worse --- not better. Having made many of our economic decisions for us, the government has predictably embarked upon arranging our personal choices for us as well. Our daily lives are inextricably affected by government edicts predetermining the language we may speak, the content of our children's education, the units of measurement we may use, what kind of entertainment we may watch, and remarkably, even the kinds of political opinions we may voice. In other words, censorship.

As if things weren't already bad enough, while governments deny us our own personal and economic freedom of choice, they force us to subsidize and support the lifestyles, philosophies, and political activities of others. Freedom without responsibility.

Who controls your choices? Freedom party thinks you should.

So when it comes to freedom of choice, you've only got one --- Freedom party!

Freedom Party believes that the purpose of government is to protect our freedom of choice, not to restrict it.


Get Involved With Freedom Party Today!
After all, freedom of choice is what we're all about!

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Page last updated on April 28, 2002

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