Freedom Flyer September - December 1984 Cover

Freedom Flyer 4

the official newsletter of the
Freedom Party of Ontario

September - December 1984


(not for votes)
by Marc Emery

Rather than campaign for votes during the upcoming spring election, Freedom Party's strategy will be aimed exclusively at the task of recruiting the active support of those members in the community who are already in general agreement with our political ideals & philosophy.

Fighting to "win" an election that is so obviously unwinnable will only serve to destroy party credibility, undermine morale, and to deplete party resources that should be channelled towards the opposite end --- building the party reputation and organization. Remember, 200, 500, 1000, or even 2000 or more votes received during an election are all an equally useless commodity unless the candidate wins the riding.

So realistically, don't expect any Freedom Party candidates to garner any more than about 200 votes --- even with a seriously-run, well-organized, and credibly managed campaign. Attaining political credibility (i.e., being seen as a viable political alternative) is a long-term project requiring long-term planning and strategy coupled with years of hard work at the community level during the periods between elections.

The experience of the Libertarian Party in the last federal election should provide a free lesson to Freedom Party members and supporters. The lesson? --- that electoral success is only the last step in the long, hard, day-to-day growth and activity pattern that must be established at the grass-roots level in the local community. If nothing else, the Libertarians proved that the expenditure of large amounts of money without a consistent marketing strategy and without the necessary groundwork in the community will not be instrumental in gaining credibility with the public --- let alone in attaining electoral victory.

In fact, the result of breeding false expectations and of misdirecting funds towards unrealistic goals have earned for Libertarians a reputation as cynics who are frozen by inaction, atrophy, and disillusionment. Because so much effort and money was expended on attempting to attain the impossible --- an electoral victory --- the resources and support necessary to nurture the party's growth between elections were seriously compromised, as was the party's credibility and long-term reputation.

Therefore, recognizing the above-mentioned political realities, Freedom Party's election literature, election signs, press releases, candidate speeches and door-to-door canvassing will all be oriented towards geting the public involved with Freedom Party's local initiatives that will carry the party forward throughout the four years following the election. By realizing that "success", for us, can only be measured in terms of more members, more funding, and an increased involvement in the local community, we should also be able to minimize the amount of money required to accomplish the task.


(1) to solicit and recruit active members,

(2) to raise funds,

(3) to reinforce our local roots and to increase public awareness of our past participation in local issues, and

(4) to demonstrate the practicality of being politically active in community issues (whether federal, provincial, or municipal), and to illustrate the benefits that can be earned from such activity.

Our local opposition to the tax-funding of "Pan-Am 1991" and our support of the employees at Eaton's who successfully prevented the unionization of their store are merely two examples of the way that Freedom Party is attaining local political credibility --- and the trust and confidence of the people with whom we work. But it will take years of this type of activity, coupled with a consistent marketing strategy and the tireless involvement of community activists before a Freedom Party candidate will be in the position of being seen as a credible alternative in the political marketplace.

Nevertheless, behind any electable candidate or viable political movement must be the organization, the marketing, membership, and financing necessary to perpetuate that success. And that's what the 1985 provincial election will be all about for Freedom Party --- to get Ontarians involved --- today!, for electoral results tomorrow.


If you are interested in participating in Freedom Party's upcoming election campaign, call or write us today! Money, signs, literature, etc. are available to all serious candidates as is extensive help from provincial headquarters.(See last issue of Freedom Flyer.)

Why not? Get involved with Freedom Party today! After all, freedom of choice is what we're all about!

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