Freedom Flyer September - December 1984 Cover

Freedom Flyer 4

the official newsletter of the
Freedom Party of Ontario

September - December 1984

In the following passage excerpted from Pat Moauro's January 4, 1985 article "Inside Report", Fp Action Director Marc Emery receives his third consecutive "award", presented annually in the daily paper's business section. Note: all receipients are local big-wigs. Respect at last!

Excerpt electronically reproduced from:

The London Free Press

January 4, 1985

If you didn't win one of these, you're lucky

London used-book seller Marc Emery, self-appointed defender of small business and guardian of the taxpayer's pursestrings, gets The Libertarian Urban Guerrilla Fighter's Award. Emery, who lost his battle to overthrow the London Downtown Business Improvement Area, is now directing (some might say misdirecting) his considerable verbal and writing skills into a new campaign: taking potshots at supporters of the Pan-Am Games and trying to keep the Games from coming to london if it means London taxpayers will have to foot part of the bill.

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