Freedom Flyer January - February 1984 Cover

Freedom Flyer 1

the official newsletter of the
Freedom Party of Ontario

January - February 1984

SLS News... published 6 times a year - $6 or donations welcome. Write SLS (Students for a Libertarian Society) at 68 Wolfrey Ave., Toronto, Ontario, M4K 1K8, or contact Wayne Gerber at (416) 466-1914 or Dave McKinnon at (416) 979-1042 for more information.

Books & Pubs...

Students for a Libertarian Society (SLS) at the University of Toronto weekly sponsor a book table in the Sid Smith lobby. Their regular pub nite is held the first Monday of every month (7:00 P.M. start) at the Duke of York Tavern on Prince Arthur Street. Both are good opportunities for activists and newcomers to discuss Libertarian ideas.

Remodelling Parliament...

SLS (Students for a Libertarian Society) members will be participating in a model parliament again this year (4 seats in '82 and '83). Mid-January elections will decide the number of libertarian seats at the February 4 event.

Word has it that notables like Jean Cretien will be acting as house speaker to ensure that the Rules of Robert are upheld. This will provide an extra challenge for SLS spokesmen, combined with an opportunity to reach the general public as well as students --- the press covers people more than ideas these days.

Just ask...

Inquires about Objectivism study groups or SIL (Society for Individual Liberty) Principles of Liberty courses are welcomed. Contact Lisa Butler, 68 Wolfrey Ave., Toronto Ontario, M4K lK8 or phone (416) 466-1914.

and learn...

World Research Inc. films will be shown monthly (11 films in all), including The Poverty Trap, The Incredible Bread Machine, and Inflation File, with study guides for those who wish to learn more. Start date: Sunday, February 12. Contact Mary Lou Gutscher at Toronto's party address or phone number.

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Freedom Flyer Newsletter


Page last updated on June 2, 2002

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