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As an active supporter of the Clarkson Village Business Improvement Area [BIA], I take exception to many of the accusations contained in your letter and brochure, dropped off at my store. While your concerns may apply to some BIAs in Ontario, if you had done your homework, you would have discovered the following facts concerning Clarkson Village.

[1] Our budget of $25,000 is one of the lowest in Ontario and unlike your examples, has not changed in three years. In fact, as more new businesses have opened here, the net BIA tax to our businesses has actually declined.

[2] Our budget was debated and voted for at our general meeting earlier this year. While three people abstained from voting, everyone else at the meeting voted in favour of our budget. Surely you would agree that business people discussing and voting to collect monies amongst themselves, is the essence of democracy!

[3] Unlike any of your "examples", Clarkson Village has no administrative staff or office. All work done for the business community is done on a volunteer basis, by people who are genuinely interested in improving their business area. [Curiously, even your "Freedom Party" has an office and an administrative director!]

[4] Finally, our BIA executive was elected by area business people, and will serve voluntarily for three years. They were not appointed by the city, as you suggest. Our most vocal critic also serves as Vice-president of our BIA and she continually challenges us to make the best possible decisions. So indeed we welcome constructive criticism from our members, simply because we have a common interest in attracting shoppers to Clarkson Village.

For these and other reasons, I feel your comments are misinformed in regards to Clarkson Village. Rather than making gross generalizations based on your personal experiences in London, I would appreciate it if you would leave my fellow merchants and I to promote and improve our community as we see fit.

I respectfully suggest that if you put as much effort and creativity into your own business and your community as you have with Freedom Party, both would be more prosperous and happy.

March, 1987

James Biss
Proprietor, All Gems

EDITOR: If BIAs are so great, why aren't they voluntary?

Originally published: Freedom Flyer 13

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