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"Friedrich", not "Frederich"

"Frederich" it is not. (See your comment in reply to the letter by Norma Marchman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, in your Spring 1989 issue.)

In the original German, let alone its English equivalent, Hayek's given name was "Friedrich", not "Frederich", and this is the way it's spelled by Canadian literati, as well as by his American publishers, (vide the face page of his epic work, The Road to Freedom, published by the University of Chicago Press in 1944).

I'm amazed that someone like Ms. Marchman, presumably very familiar with the work of the Austrian school, should have made this error; or was the error, (as I presume the misuse of "altercation" for "alteration" was), that of your typesetter?

- June,1989, Dr. William E. Goodman, TORONTO, Ontario

EDITOR: You've caught us twice. "Friedrich" it is, and "alteration" it should be --- our fault on both counts. Here's hoping we've got it right this time, before the issue develops into an altercation.

Originally published: Freedom Flyer 15

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