Jun 121988

1988-06-12.emery-released-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On June 12, 1988, TV London News reported the June 10, 1988 release of then Freedom Party of Ontario Action Director Marc Emery from the Elgin-Middlesex Detention Centre in London, Ontario. He had been jailed for approximately 4 days for refusing to pay a $500.00 fine, which was imposed upon him because he intentionally staffed his book store (City Lights) with more than three individuals on a Sunday, contrary to Ontario’s then-existing laws against retail business on Sundays (a law imposed in 1975 by Ontario’s Progressive Conservative Party).


Video Details:

Television Station: TV London News
Reporter: Rick Walker
Featuring: Marc Emery (Action Director, Freedom Party of Ontario)
Aired: June 12, 1988
Color/BW: Full colour
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42WSpcipCy8